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Working with a licensed REALTOR to help you find a Toronto rental. There are thousands of rentals listed with real estate agents. We can help you identify the best properties and the best neighbourhoods, as well as help you negotiate the price and terms of your lease to make sure that you are always protected. The best part of working with a realtor is that the landlord pays the commission, so you can have an expert represent your interests for free. It’s a win-win.


There are a lot of resources such as Craigslist & Kijji, while popular for finding an apartment, these websites are also popular for scamming people. Be very cautious - especially before handing over a deposit. 


Most Toronto rentals come on the market two months before they are available for rent (e.g. – an apartment will be advertised April 1st and be available as of June 1st). If you aren’t ready to move for six months, There probably won’t be any available options to look at. 


How Much Does it Cost to Rent in Toronto?


According to the Toronto Real Estate Board, the official average monthly prices for rental apartments and condos are:


  • Bachelor: $1,662

  • 1-bedroom: $2,055

  • 2-bedroom: $2,836

  • 3-bedroom: $3,600


Tenant Rights


As a tenant in Ontario, you have many rights. Among the important ones:


  • Pets – Landlords can’t evict you for having a pet, but they can refuse to rent to you in the first place. If you’re renting in a condo, the Condominium rules take precedence over the Residential Tenancies Act, so if the condo doesn’t allow pets, poor little paws might be evicted.


  • Right to Access Property – Generally, your Landlord has the right to enter your unit to repair and maintain it (with 24 hours notice or in the case of an emergency). Your Landlord also has the right to show the unit to prospective tenants and/or buyers with appropriate notice.


  • What happens if your Landlord Sells – If you have a valid written lease, your landlord cannot evict you even if he or she decides to sell the unit – the new owner will simply be required to take over your lease (at the rent you currently pay and under the same terms). If you are a ‘month-to-month’ tenant, your landlord is permitted to give you 60 days notice (from the 1st of the month) to allow the new owner to move in–as long as the new owner (or a family member) is going to live in the unit themselves.


Click here for the complete:  Residential Tenancies Guide


Getting the apartment you want:


Being prepared is most important when it comes to finding a rental.


  • Have your deposit ready: To rent an apartment in Toronto, you’ll need to provide first and last month’s rent once your offer has been accepted. 

  • Get a Confirmation of Employment letter: You’ll need to prove that you’re employed or otherwise financially viable to rent in Toronto. 

  • Do a credit check on yourself and have it ready to provide to a prospective landlord:  Most landlords will require it – you can order one online at for $23.95.


Some other tips to keep in mind:


  • Take a drive/walk through the neighbourhoods you are most interested in You’ll be there for at least 12 months, and your neighbourhood will definitely affect your quality of life.  LINK

  • Be flexible  It’s not easy or cheap to rent in downtown Toronto. Keep an open mind and be prepared to make compromises. 

  • Be ready to make a quick decision  The Toronto rental market is very competitive. If you find a place you like - act fast. It will likely be gone tomorrow.

  • Be honest  While it might be tempting to make yourself look like a better tenant, having a good relationship with your landlord is most important.



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